Finding Purpose, Direction and Motivation


Merry Christmas

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Christmas. Today is a day of love, joy and thankfulness.

It is pretty awesome that we have a holiday that is celebrated around the entire globe. To have that kind of unity on one day is a rare and seemingly impossible sometimes but it happens once every year!

Even during the worst of times there have been ceasefires during wars to take a moment to stop and have a few minutes to have peace.

For me, Christmas is a time where I can be thankful to God for sending his Son, Jesus to bridge a gap between God and man.

I used to think God was an angry ruler who was always mad at me. But over the years, mainly in the last three years, I have come to know a knew viewpoint on God.

Jesus is love, not anger. Jesus spent his time with the lowly and oppressed. With the outcasts and criminals of His time.

Jesus gave us an example of what love is. Forgiving shortcomings, mistakes and bad choices. He reached out to the people who the government looked down on as trash and He loved them.

The best part is that He still loves you and me. He is a God of forgiveness, a God of love and a God of miracles.

Let’s take a moment today to be thankful for the blessings we have received in life. Let’s take this day and look past the pain and hurt in our lives and choose to focus on the beauty and blessing.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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